Thursday, July 18, 2013

This Is What Extraordinary Looks Like...

“The strength of a woman is not measured by the impact that all her hardships in life have had on her; but the strength of a woman is measured by the extent of her refusal to allow those hardships to dictate her and who she becomes.” ~C. Joy Bell C.


aith Mullins is truly a young woman of strength. Faith Mullins is the daughter of Hope Mullins. She is a native of Little Rock, Arkansas. She has been a Girl Scout for eleven years, and just recently became a lifetime member. Faith is a 2012 Gold Award Recipient who has given countless hours of service in the name of Girl Scouting. Faith has always had a soft spot for making the world a better place. For her Gold Award Project, Faith created a sustainable recycling program at her high school, Little Rock Central High School. She built a large and very active Environmental Club.  She started Central High School on the right steps to becoming a certified environmental friendly school.  Faith’s project increased the awareness of environmental problems throughout the school and her community.  She enjoys environmental activism and is still active in promoting recycling.  Faith is currently a student at Hendrix College pursuing her bachelor’s degree.

As a Girl Scout, she did not only discover her love for our planet, but she learned the importance of serving others. From her camp counselors, Girl Scout leaders, council staff, and fellow girl scouts, she learned what it meant to be strong. During her senior year, Faith was hit by a teen that was texting and driving. With 8 broken bones, including her arms and legs, Faith was unable to do many of the small tasks we take for granted every day. She was in the hospital for several months. She could have wallowed in pity and given up on life, but like the Girl Scout Law says, “I will do my best to be courageous and strong.” The Law that she stated from the time she was a Daisy Girl Scout to when she completed being an Ambassador Scout, and became a lifetime member, were not just words she quoted, but words she chose to live by.

After physical therapy sessions and various treatments, Faith can stand proudly and say “I am a strong and powerful young woman.” So many people were generous to Faith in her time of need that she felt it was her duty to pay it forward. “Without the generosity of dozens of people in my life I would have no hope of being where I am now. And I want to become one of those generous people.” Faith has brought to life the phrase “be a sister to every Girl Scout” with her generosity. Faith has doubled the scholarship money for the 2013 Gold Award Recipients. Her spirit and dedication serves as a shining example of Juliette’s vision for girls in the Girl Scout Movement. Faith Mullins’ is what extraordinary looks like. 

1 comment:

  1. Faith was my kindergarten student! such a joy even then :)
