Wednesday, July 3, 2013

When I think of July 4th...

The savory aroma of hamburgers and hot dogs sizzling on the grill, dressing from head to toe in your patriotic attire with the matching beach towel, landing the perfect cannonball off the diving board into a cool, crystal blue pool, gazing at the fireworks as they rocket off into the night sky, exploding into shades of reds, whites, and blues. This has always been what comes to mind when I think about Fourth of July. It is a time to enjoy summer, be surrounded by family and friends, and celebrate the day we became the United States of America!

Fourth of July or Independence Day is a celebration that recognizes us declaring our independence from Great Britain. Although Congress voted for independence July 2nd, it was not until two days later that delegates adopted the Declaration of Independence, written by Thomas Jefferson, making July 4th the United States’ birthday. Many people celebrate with fireworks, barbecues, and parades. How do you celebrate Independence Day with you family and friends?

We learn in school lots of facts about our country, but just in case you forgot check out a few fun facts about the United States of America and the Fourth of July that you may or may not have known!

·       Did you know The "Star Spangled Banner" written by Francis Scott Key was originally a poem and not a song? He wrote it in 1814. It was later put to music, but not decreed the official national anthem until 1931. 
·       Benjamin Franklin was the oldest person to sign the Declaration of Independence. He was 70 years old!!!
·        The Fourth of July became an unpaid holiday for federal workers in 1870. In 1938 it became a paid holiday, and in 1941, it was declared a federal holiday.
·        Americans spend around 211 million dollars every year on fireworks.
·        More than 74 million people will have an Independence Day cookout.
·        Approximately 150 million hot dogs are consumed on this day.
 Eat a hotdog, take a swim, and enjoy the Fourth of July with family and friends! Girl Scouts- Diamonds of
Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Texas want to wish you and your family a safe and Happy Fourth of July!

P.S. – Last day to register online for the Annual Meeting is Friday, July 5th! Have you registered???

1 comment:

  1. I am going to go see fireworks at the Arkansas River!
