Monday, August 19, 2013

First Day of School!

Summer has flown by and now it is the first day of school for many of you! I’m sure you are all very nervous yet excited to begin this new adventure! For some of you this is your first time going to a new school. You may have butterflies in your stomach, because you are worried about so many things such as if you will like your teacher, if you will make new friends, or if you will enjoy your new school. Don’t worry! Everyone has felt that way on the first day of school. Come tomorrow your butterflies will flutter away along with your worries.

Some of you are ecstatic, because this is the first day of the last day of your senior year. To some it may have come too soon, to others it didn't come soon enough. As quickly as it came, senior year will fly by! You look forward to homecoming, senior night, prom, and most of all graduation. Remember to snap a picture at all of these wonderful events and make a senior scrapbook, so that your memories can last a lifetime.

Just a few words of wisdom on the first day of school…

Elementary school students…elementary school is where you build your foundation. Your foundation is the key to starting a successful academic career, so strive for excellence.

Middle School students…this is the time you discover your likes and dislikes. Middle School is what you choose to make it so try new things, because you will never discover your hidden talents if you don’t try.

High School students…remember to be a leader, because there is always someone younger than you watching, so lead by example. Begin to think about what you would like to do after high school, go to every school event, but most of all enjoy high school!

Back to school, back to Girl Scouting! 

How is your troop getting ready for the fall? Share your stories and ideas with us! 

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